Please include your full name, CBS student ID, your phone number, a brief description of the issue or topic that you need help with, and a few dates and times that are most convenient for you. Also, please send the email using your CBS student email address.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that the date/time you desire is available since help is on a first come, first serve basis. But we will make every effort to accommodate you!
Tutoring Hours:
Monday through Friday from 9AM to 7PM CT.
Please send the email with the above information to:
If one of the dates/times in your request is available, we will send you a confirmation email. If the desired dates/times are not available we will let you know and try to work out a new one.
We will call you on the date/time in the confirmation email. Please make sure that your phone is fully charged and that your computer is on with Internet access. Please have your computer plugged into an electrical outlet so that there are not any issues with a low battery!
For use by the CBS Remote Tutors.